An Update To The UCS Falcon Situation


I sent an email to my contacts at LEGO asking about the Falcon situation and specifically brought up the special Star Wars-themed VIP card. This thing:

Here was part of their response:

“At this time, the Star Wars VIP cards will only be available to registered VIP members who purchase the set in 2017. We understand how disappointing this may be to our fans who are having trouble finding the set and are taking that feedback as we plan future VIP experiences. Please refer to this FAQ page about that card for any further questions.”

One of the benefits and promotions tied to 75192 Millennium Falcon was that you would get this special edition LEGO Star Wars-themed VIP cards. And with that card, you would be “eligible for a full year of special Star Wars-themed offers throughout 2018.” However, their FAQ says the following:

What are the special offers that this card entitles a member to?

Special offers will include points promotions, special events, gifts with purchase and more! The offers will be shared directly with applicable VIPs throughout 2018.”

So for those of use who are not able to buy the UCS Falcon this year directly from Shop@Home or a LEGO brand retail store, we may still be able to take part in some of the promotions. Buuuut I kinda get the feeling that we won’t be so lucky though and LEGO is going to stick to a “No card, no benefits” rule.

The situation is that they can’t make Falcons fast enough to meet demand, AND they are limiting the card to people who buy a Falcon in 2017. That means if you didn’t get on the wait list, which was limited to 5,000 spots across North America, at a retail store, you’re basically out of luck. Doesn’t seem fair at all, especially for those fans that don’t have a store near them.

And is there really no other way they can offer the card to VIPs?

I tweeted this the other day, but I had a conversation with a phone rep recently and she said, “Honestly, we had no idea that the Falcon set would be so popular.” If that’s true, that’s just shortsightedness on an EPIC level.

I’m pretty sure they have absolutely no intention of stocking it online until next year (I’m predicting March at the earliest) and that every shipment of UCS Falcon sets are inbound to retail stores or LEGOLands.

Sorry, pardon my French for just a moment but LEGO seriously fucked up the launch and everything associated with it.


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