
Just a quick update on the FBTB Charity Drive: We’ve surpassed the halfway point which is just awesome. But we’re still shy of our goal of 1100 something donations. To those of you who have donated once or multiple times, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. To those of you who have not decided yet to pledge: I will entice you with a third place prize. That’s right, I’ve decided to give everyone who donates a third shot at winning something cool. How about a copy of 8097 Slave I?

How do you like them apples? Plus the usual suspects: White Fett, Chrome Figures, and maybe some other junk. I’ll figure something out by the time the drive is over, which is less than 3 weeks! What are you waiting for? 2 bucks = 3 chances to win! Head to the Charity Drive news post for all the details, or hit the donate button below:

Help the children!