In what has been our annual tradition, it’s another year and another batch of Advent Calendars. This year gives us a unique opportunity with the addition of the Marvel Advent Calendar, allowing all of us to focus on licensed Advent Calendars. Ace will be handling Star Wars (75307), Eric will take Harry Potter (76390), and Nick is taking on Marvel (76196) instead of City. We’ll be walking through them all, giving our little pictures and mini reviews, and keeping a running tally of the hits and misses for each day.


We’re in the home stretch now and I’m going to go out on a snow-covered limb and say that Star Wars will win followed by Marvel with HP coming a close third. Let’s see how things pan out. The numbers thus far:

  • Star Wars: 12 Hits / 7 Misses
  • Harry Potter: 9 Hits / 10 Misses
  • Marvel: 9 Hits / 10 Misses

Is this what they call a race to the bottom? Might be, it just might be.

LEGO Star Wars (Ace)

IG-11 makes his calendar debut with today’s build. A bit bare bones but you get extra arms so you can change his configuration any which you want. He comes with a clip on the back:

So I can only assume that tomorrow’s build will include a long rifle of some sort. The printed head element is neat and if you’re lucky like some people you may have gotten a second one as a spare. I was not so lucky. IG-11 was only available in the more expensive 75292 Razor Crest set so getting one in today in a considerably cheaper set is a huge win. Thumbs up all around.

LEGO Harry Potter (Eric)

I just realized Nick and I have the same scores for the advent calendar thus far. I wonder if one of ours is going to inch out on the others. We’ll have to see…

Okay, see now this works canonically! Hermione, being Hermione, is already wearing her Hogwarts robes when she meets Harry and Ron, who definitely aren’t. I’ll always give points to following Harry Potter canon. Yes, I’m sick of getting Hermione and Ron figures, but that just seems like a necessary evil at this point.

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes (Nick)

If the Hulkbuster version of the armor was Veronica, which version of the armor was Betty?

Awww…. a little clockwork Hulkbuster. I should have taken a better angle picture, but there is a key part on the back. Solid and simple little build, and clearly selling these is how the Avengers are funded. Innovative use of parts, with skates and the little airtable hand paddles both getting used. This is a hit, and a fun addition.

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