Friday, March 7, 2025

I’ve Been On A Bit Of A Break From This Site, Obviously

And I have no regrets. And I know exactly why. It's not because of any workload paralysis (well maybe just a smidge), or crippling...
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Priness title screen

I Finished Twilight Princess; Breath of the Wild Is Next

Yes, Twilight Princess. That really old Zelda game that Nintendo likes to recycle over and over again. It was originally for the GameCube but...
Pink (L) and Green (R) Joy-cons

Nintendo Is Making Neon Pink (L) and Neon Green (R) Joy-cons!

I can now have a matching set of neon pink (or neon green) joy-cons! I imported my Splatoon joy-cons months ago from and the...

Games I’ve Been Playing Over the Holidays

Ace and I shared a lot of experiences over the holidays, despite being in completely different parts of the country. We had time off,...
The Last of Us

Games I’ve Been Playing Over The Break

I know posting has slowed to a crawl lately and that's on me. I've been sick, in fact, the whole family came down with...

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 DLC Released

I'm not really a fan of the LEGO games in general, but I have to admit I've side-eyed LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 more...
Star Wars X Building Contest logo

Some Updates, Reminders, And A Giveaway

I'm sick. Caught something over the weekend and it's hitting me pretty hard right now so I don't have a lot of energy. Don't...
Rive Ultimate Edition

RIVE: Ultimate Edition Is On Nintendo Switch!

I said before I wanted to start blogging more about non-LEGO stuff, stuff that interested me, stuff like video games, and this is where...