Black Friday Giveaway: Pokemon Ultra Sun And Ultra Moon Two-Pack With SteelBook Case
You have exactly 48 hours from the posting of this message to send an email to with the subject line NECROZMANIAC to enter...
Some Updates, Reminders, And A Giveaway
I'm sick. Caught something over the weekend and it's hitting me pretty hard right now so I don't have a lot of energy. Don't...
RIVE: Ultimate Edition Is On Nintendo Switch!
I said before I wanted to start blogging more about non-LEGO stuff, stuff that interested me, stuff like video games, and this is where...
LEGO Harry Potter Keychains Free With Game
Toys'R'Us is having a special deal for the upcoming LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4 video game. Put down 5 bucks for the game at...
Best Buy Saves You $50 On Xbox360 Bundle with Pure, LEGO Batman
For the holidays, Microsoft is offering a new Xbox360 Elite bundle with two video games, Pure and LEGO Batman for $299 (via Amazon). Not...
LEGO Star Wars Nintendo DS Lite Case
Have a DS? Love LEGO Star Wars? Ever wish you could get a specially designed DS case that features a tiled mosaic of LEGO...